281-376-3472 |
281-376-3472 |
281-641-7900 |
281-852-2181 |
281-999-3191 |
800-222-1222 |
AskTheBoard@InsideEagleSprings.com |
281-945-4643 17171 Park Row Suite 310, Houston, TX 77084 |
281-945-4636 17171 Park Row Suite 310, Houston, TX 77084 |
281-945-4646 17171 Park Row Suite 310, Houston, TX 77084 |
Activities@InsideEagleSprings.com |
Onsite Office (located in Eagle Springs): 281-812-8194 12520 Will Clayton Parkway, Humble, TX 77346 |
Onsite Admin - Amber | ||||
Onsite Office (located in Eagle Springs): 281-812-8194 12520 Will Clayton Parkway, Humble, TX 77346
Crest Office Receptionist Desk: 281-579-0761 |
Landscape.Committee@InsideEagleSprings.com *Contact for feedback and/or suggestions on community landscape* |
Pool.Committee@InsideEagleSprings.com *Contact for feedback and/or suggestions on pool and splash pad facilities* |
Holiday.DecoratingCommittee@InsideEagleSprings.com *Contact for feedback and/or suggestions on community holiday decorations* |
SportsFieldCommittee@gmail.com *Contact for feedback, suggestions and/or reservations on of sports fields* Playground Committee
*Contact for feedback and/or suggestions on community park and playground improvements*
713-222-TIPS (8477) |
www.HarrisCountyCitizensCorps.com |
Humble Service Center
(713) 274-3100
Service requests can also be submitted online Service Request Management (harriscountytx.gov)
www.hcoem.org |
281-465-9376 |
713-439-6000 |
281-446-3663 |
www.hcp4.net/ccenters |
www.powertochoose.org |
713-207-7777 |
713-207-2222 |
713-659-2111 |
Inframark 281-579-4500 |
Municipal Operations |
281-209-2100 |
877-290-5458 |
281-313-2378 |
www.allconnect.com |
888-275-8068 |
888-951-3017 |
713-341-1000 |
281-641-1000 |
281-641-3100 |
281-641-3600 |
281-641-3800 |
West Lake Middle School | |||
281-641-5100 | |||
281-641-7500 |
281-312-1600 |
281-618-5400 |
281-312-1660 |
281-348-8000 |
281-540-7700 |
281-540-1775 |
713-226-3442 |
www.hcad.org |
281-641-8190 |
www.taxtech.net |
www.hcpl.lib.tx.us |
281-812-2162 |
281-360-6804 |
281-446-3377 |
713-362-7171 |
281-446-6901 |
281-540-8742 |
281-446-3391 |
www.hctra.org |
713-635-4000 |
281-230-3100 |
713-640-3000 |