Pool Rules
- Obey lifeguards and other supervisory personnel. Talking with lifeguards on duty is discouraged.
- Falsifying membership cards or sharing membership cards will result in revocation of swimming privileges for the remainder of the pool season. Valid Amenity Access ID card required for entry.
- Parents and guardians are responsible for their children in the pool area.
- Any minor 14 years of age or under must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
- All swimmers are required to shower before entering the pools.
- Proper swimwear is required. No thong swimsuits, cutoffs, or inappropriate attire. Cloth or disposable diapers are prohibited. Swim diapers are required.
- Swimmers are requested to use commercial suntan preparation only.
- Swimmers in the water have the right-of-way.
- Stay off ropes at all times.
- Running or roughhousing (throwing each other, pushing, dunking, getting on each other shoulders, excessive splash fights, dogfights, etc.) are not allowed.
- Flips from the side of the pool or off the diving board are not allowed.
- Flotation items for swimming pools are allowed but restricted to small size tubes and floats worn on the body. Noodles are permitted for flotation, but no rough housing with noodles will be permitted.
- Soft foam balls and frisbees specifically designed for pool use and beach balls may be used at the lifeguard's discretion. Water guns and "non-pool specific" balls or frisbees are not allowed. Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
- Loud, abusive, or foul language is prohibited. At the first indication of any abusive language towards a lifeguard, the patron will be asked to leave the facility. Constables will be called to escort a patron out if needed.
- Loud music in pool area is prohibited.
- Glass containers or alcoholic beverages are not allowed inside the pool facility.
- Chewing gum is not permitted inside the pool facility.
- NO SMOKING is allowed inside pool facility at any time. This includes e-vaping. Tobacco use is also prohibited (chewing tobacco, etc.)
- Swimming with an open sore or communicable disease is prohibited.
- One long whistle blast means clear the pool! Clear the pool immediately when alarm is sounded. Follow instructions. Stay away from emergency locations.
Guest Policy
Residents are permitted 6 guests per household. Minors, with a valid Amenity Access card are only permitted to bring in adult guests aged 18 or over.
Adults, with a valid Amenity Access card are permitted to bring in adults or minors as guests.
The lifeguard at the check-in table will record the number of residents (with Amenity Access Cards) and the number of GUESTS entering the pool facility. Any resident without their Amenity Access Card will be counted as a GUEST.
Lifeguards have the ultimate authority!
Lifeguards are employed to ensure the safety of all swimmers. They have the authority to remove anyone from the pool facility disobeying the rules or endangering the safety of himself or another person. Lifeguards have authority to suspend that person for one day. Additional violations will be turned over to the pool committee. Repeat violations may result in revocation of swimming privileges for the remainder of the pool season.
Blue Water Recreational Services
General Information: Info@bwrecservices.com
For Complaints, Praise, or Feedback: Feedback@bwrecservices.com
For Parties: Events@bwrecservices.com
Pool Committee: pool.committee@insideeaglesprings.com
- All swimmers must exit the pool during this break.
- Patrons may not sit on pool steps, dangle feet in water, or throw items across the pool from the sides.
- This period is for the safety of the swimmers and provides a rest period for the guards. Rotation of guards and a check of the facility are completed during this time.
Big Slide Rules
The ESCA board, pool management and pool committee have discussed the large slide at the Island Club pool and determined specific rules are needed for this one slide. Due to the nature of the slide (size, flow rate of water, etc.), there are safety risks unique to the slide. After review of manufacturer’s recommendations, precautions that are in place at our pools, and other rules for similar sites, the ESCA board has determined the following rules will apply:
- No flotation devices of any kind on the slide.
- All sliders must be a minimum of 36 inches tall.
- No one may catch a slider at the bottom of the slide.
- Sliders must be able to swim to the side of the pool to exit, unassisted.
The play structure at Island Club pool (small slides and ladder platform area) are designed for small children. Users must be shorter than the noted sign height, or actively assisting a child shorter than the indicated height.